Well I guess since everybody else is doing it.......I better just start one. I know i'll get roped into it anyway. I supposed one more added responsibility won't be too bad! LOL! So...i'm still waiting to hear if I made Trainer. A couple of people asked me about it last night, but no update yet. Our shift bid is coming around again, it's such a stressful time for me. I'm on the bubble so to speak and have no idea where i'll end up. I know this much at least....I will be able to stay on nights. Shift bid is just so much DRAMA!! Some of these nasty snatches just say things to rattle other peoples cages. See, that's why I don't like working with women!!
Not a whole lot new on the home front. Colby is cutting teeth and is a bear. He's not sleeping and has been foul for the past couple of days. Kylie, Christian and Kennedy went to the eye doctor this weekend and Kylie will be getting new glasses, Christian will start wearing glasses, and Kennedy's vision is 20/20.....oh and is she pissed about it!! She was trying on all the glasses at the store and had found several pair that she liked. She was soooooo not happy when the eye doctor told her she didn't need them!! Not my daughter, not Kennedy with an attitude...lol! Kylie leaves on Thursday to go on vacation with Joe's sister Julie and her husband Ron. They had invited her to go since she is so well behaved. She will be gone until the 22nd. They have so many fun things planned for their trip and Kylie is psyched! We didn't want the other two to feel left out so Joe and I are taking them to Kansas City on Saturday to Worlds of Fun. They have no idea we're going. Going to drop Colby at Grandma and Grandpa's in the morning and head out. Kylie is also lucky enought to have gotten an Art Scholarship for camp at the Joselyn Art Museum. The classes are about $200.00 for the week, and it's not going to cost us a dime. My nephew Zachary also got one so Carol and I will be carpooling.
I can't wait for school to start again. Am I a bad mother for saying that??? I like spending time with my kids but damn if I don't get much sleep when they're home. Kylie is my HUGE helper and is great with Colby. Christian and Kennedy pretty much fight and argue all day. Kennedy for some reason thinks that she is Queen Boofoo and needs to order her peon subjects around all day. Plus, they eat me out of house and home!!
Well enough for today.....maybe i'll actually be able to keep up on this...lol!
Not a whole lot new on the home front. Colby is cutting teeth and is a bear. He's not sleeping and has been foul for the past couple of days. Kylie, Christian and Kennedy went to the eye doctor this weekend and Kylie will be getting new glasses, Christian will start wearing glasses, and Kennedy's vision is 20/20.....oh and is she pissed about it!! She was trying on all the glasses at the store and had found several pair that she liked. She was soooooo not happy when the eye doctor told her she didn't need them!! Not my daughter, not Kennedy with an attitude...lol! Kylie leaves on Thursday to go on vacation with Joe's sister Julie and her husband Ron. They had invited her to go since she is so well behaved. She will be gone until the 22nd. They have so many fun things planned for their trip and Kylie is psyched! We didn't want the other two to feel left out so Joe and I are taking them to Kansas City on Saturday to Worlds of Fun. They have no idea we're going. Going to drop Colby at Grandma and Grandpa's in the morning and head out. Kylie is also lucky enought to have gotten an Art Scholarship for camp at the Joselyn Art Museum. The classes are about $200.00 for the week, and it's not going to cost us a dime. My nephew Zachary also got one so Carol and I will be carpooling.
I can't wait for school to start again. Am I a bad mother for saying that??? I like spending time with my kids but damn if I don't get much sleep when they're home. Kylie is my HUGE helper and is great with Colby. Christian and Kennedy pretty much fight and argue all day. Kennedy for some reason thinks that she is Queen Boofoo and needs to order her peon subjects around all day. Plus, they eat me out of house and home!!
Well enough for today.....maybe i'll actually be able to keep up on this...lol!
Wow!!! I got everyone doing it now, I'm good! lol
So glad you are doing this too, its so much fun!!
I see to remember a similar "I don't need glasses, but I really want them" story that involved your sister Erin. Erin? Is any of this Kennedy saga ringing a bell? It should be.... like a big friggin Notre Dame BELL!!! Congrats Sam. I'm thinkin this is a great way to keep up on everyone.
Okay so I have to chime in........ did mom say something about "Notre Dame Bell" Isn't that where Fuzzy Nobo lives???? "Ring the Bell Bitch!!!!!"
OMG, I think I'm going to throw up!!!!!!!!
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